
  • Planning and the Busy Mind

    an edited talk on planning as a form of restlessness and obsessive thinking

  • Cultivating Concentration

    an overview of three kinds of concentration with initial instructions to strengthen concentration through mindfulness of breathing

  • Overcoming Doubt through Direct Experience

    understanding the hindrance of doubt and freeing the mind from its influence.

  • Maranasati for the Modern World

    an article on developing mindfulness of death by Kim Allen and Shaila Catherine

  • The Focused Mind

    on the benefits of cultivating concentration

  • Working with Our Discouragement

    on ways of dealing with disappointment in practice through balancing effort, tapping the support of sangha, and learning to uplift your own mind

  • Equanimity: Our Greatest Friend

    offers practical ways to nurture equanimity in meditation, relationships, and daily activities

  • The Power of Lovingkindness

    an introduction to the purpose of cultivating lovingkindness (mettā) and ways to develop this beautiful quality of mind

  • I, Me, and Mine

    an exploration of how we construct the notion of I, me, and mine through opinions and thoughts

  • Beyond the Familiar

    a reflection on ways of relating to the unknown and how we can free ourselves from habits that limit freedom

  • Vipassana Defined

    an examination of insight as the clear seeing of how things are by contemplating  impermanence and cultivating present moment awareness

Written Interviews