Interviews and Podcasts

Featured Talks

  • Commitment to Enlightenment

    By knowing the goal of the Buddhist path, we can avoid becoming satisfied with deceptive attainments such as mere joy, calmness, and concentration.

  • The Proliferation of Planning

    This talk explores ways restlessness manifests in obsessive planning. Although useful in practical situation, compulsive planning can fuel the delusion of our personal stories and the struggle to assert control over a changing world.

  • Intention and the Power of Thought

    The Buddha’s teachings focus on the practical application of intention and the power of thought, rather than ritual, as the potent force behind action.

  • Happiness of a Concentrated Mind

    This is a talk on the theme of the joy of seclusion, followed immediately by a guided meditation on concentration using the breath as the focus.

  • Brahma Viharas: Loving-kindness, Compassion, Joy, Equanimity

    A collection of four talks on the immeasurable and boundless qualities of heart known as the Brahma Viharas: loving kindness/friendliness, compassion, joy, equanimity.

Collections of Talks and Guided Meditations

  • DharmaSeed

    hosts nearly 200 freely available Dhamma Talks by Shaila Catherine

  • Insight Timer

    hosts several guided meditations by Shaila Catherine